Some Words

About Me

Karenlise Nielsen - Danish to English and English to Danish translator; Danish and English technical writer and technical content writer. Photo by Laila Verseman,
High quality

Strong professional skills guarantee outstanding quality

My expertise provides you with greater value than ISO certifications and rigid quality assurance procedures

By 2024, I have translated texts from Danish into English and from English into Danish for 20 years in total, gradually specialising in life science and other technical and scientific fields.

I started my translation career in 1990, then did something else for some years, including 10 years in the UN (UNICEF Supply Division), and returned to translation in 2004.

In 2003, I completed my second university education, an associate’s degree in corporate communication with a focus on Danish linguistics.

My first education was a master’s degree in specialised translation between English and Danish (cand.ling.merc), qualifying for the title “state-authorised translator and interpreter.” However,  the Danish government believed that it was a business obstacle to require a state authorisation for translators to translate official papers, so this requirement was abolished with effect in 2016, and the title is no longer in use.

For more details about my education and previous experience, please follow the CV links at the bottom of this website.

And the domain name, where does that come from? Read the story at the bottom of this page!

A laptop screen with the text 'Small Business, Big Impact,' symbolizing modern entrepreneurship.

Dedicated translation, writing and editing with focus on the audience

Which value do you get from using me for translation, technical writing, technical content writing or editing?

The business cases I have worked on for clients are confidential, so I can’t show them here. But the texts on this website are examples of the results I deliver. I have worked on them in the same way as I would on a client case.

The first step was the analyses, which lead to the content you see, targeting mainly engineers, product specialists and technical consultants. Especially those working for subcontractors supplying goods and services in healthcare, life-science, clean-tech and power generation industries and public utilities.

The next step was to choose the content, the terminology and the linguistic style based on my broad knowledge of marketing and communication, my specific knowledge of linguistics, and a more recently obtained insight into a marketing segmentation methodology, “Emotional Customer Types”, developed by a Danish marketing researcher,  while also using SEO methodologies to select search terms.

Before writing the pages about Life Sciences & Healthcare and Clean Technology, Power & Utilities, I made some investigations into some factual details and found relevant sources.

The texts on this website follow British English spelling and punctuation, but I can also write texts in American English.

A Danish website designer, Jette Drøger, gave me guidance on the visual appearance of the website and taught me how to build the website using up-to-date methods and tools. I already knew how to build a website structure on the basis of a specific marketing strategy.

As this example hopefully shows, my work is thorough, dedicated and always with a focus on the target audience. For translation as well as technical content writing and technical writing.

What's in a name?


I started my first business in 2009 after having been an employee for more than 20 years. But which name should the new “baby” be given?

The name should include the word “translation”. Participants in a how-to-start-your-own-business course suggested “Medical & Technical Translation”, but that was very long and difficult to remember. Someone said, “Med-Tech Translation”, but med-tech means medical technology. I chose Med & Tech Translation.
However, “&” is not allowed in domain names, and to avoid the very long “”, I went with for the web domain.

Nowadays, the official business name is Karenlise Nielsen as my work field is broader now than just “Med & Tech Translation”, but the domain name is still

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